Ecosystem-Based Management of Marine Resources Program, Environment and Life Sciences Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O Box. 1638, 22017, Salmiya, Kuwait.
Ecosystem-Based Management of Marine Resources Program, Environment and Life Sciences Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O Box. 1638, 22017, Salmiya, Kuwait.
Sabkhas in Kuwait are unique hypersaline marine environments under-explored for bacterial community composition and bioprospecting. The 16S rRNA sequence analysis of 46 isolates with distinct morphology from two Kuwait sabkhas recovered 11 genera. Phylum Firmicutes dominated these isolates, and Bacillus (32.6%) was recovered as the dominant genera, followed by Halococcus (17.4%). These isolates were moderately halophilic, and some of them showed tolerance and growth at extreme levels of salt (20%), pH (5 and/or 11), and temperature (55 °C). A higher percentage of isolates harbored protease (63.0), followed by DNase (41.3), amylase (41.3), and lipase (32.6). Selected isolates showed antimicrobial activity against E. faecalis and isolated Halomonas shengliensis, and Idiomarina piscisalsi harbored gene coding for dNDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (Glu 1), indicating their potential to produce biomolecules with deoxysugar moieties. Palmitic acid or oleic acid was the dominant fatty acid, and seven isolates had some polyunsaturated fatty acids (linolenic or γ-linolenic acid). Interestingly, six isolates belonging to Planococcus and Oceanobacillus genus produced squalene, a bioactive isoprenoid molecule. Their content increased 30-50% in the presence of Terbinafine. The potential bioactivities and extreme growth conditions make this untapped bacterial diversity a promising candidate for future bioprospecting studies.
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